Dr. Leah Riddick Cunningham

Don’t Measure Your Life by Where You Have Been… But By Where You Want to Go

Oh, sure we get it—-it’s easy to constantly be reminded by your past because the truth of the matter is our past stays with us. But because it’s our “past” it is not “relevant” to our today! So why should it get to be the “measuring stick” for my life for a lifetime!

But the purpose of our past—for those of us that want something different—it serves as a reminder to make sure you do something different! ——-Different outcomes are produced by different actions, different choices, different lifestyles, different views, perspectives, opinions, desires and ultimately what we BELIEVE DIFFERENTLY ABOUT OURSELVES!

Yesterday we may have “mis-stepped”, and Today our new differences make us determined that Tomorrow we won’t “miss-a-step.” See The Difference!

So let the measuring stick for your life be as such—Yesterday is old news, Today is current news, Tomorrow is the “Headline News”. Everybody wakes up looking to read the headlines. Make sure yours reads differently from yesterday’s news!  

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