Emotionally Healthy, Emotionally Wealthy Classes
Emotionally Healthy, Emotionally Wealthy are classes that address the most obvious, yet, the most overlooked areas in our everyday lives.
Emotionally Healthy, Emotionally Wealthy isn’t about obtaining financial wealth, though it could be. It’s about obtaining healthy, wealthy living, through healthy wealthy thoughts. Whenever you have healthy emotions, wealthy emotions will emerge and subsequently healthy, wealthy lifestyles become possible, in every area of your life.
Register for these classes by topic
Check the calendar for the dates and times
*These classes can be reserved and tailored for special group sessions
“Living your best life on purpose”

Life Coach
Need a personal life coach? We can help you reach your personal life achievements and career goals
Leah’s personal style of “listen, learn then respond” assures her clients programs and individual needs will be tailored & suited for their purpose.
We offer the following:
Discovery Consultations
Introductory Sessions
Designed for You Sessions
Detailed Personalized Planning Sessions—to meet a need for a day or several weeks of coaching.
“At some point, we all need someone to do life with”
- MasterClass
- MasterClass Groups
- MasterClass Exclusives
- Coaching / Development / Training
- Latte’ Chat’s-One 2 One
These are specialized teachings that are tailored for each group and each individual to help you navigate through the difficulties of life and its sudden surprises.
Specialized Topics Taught – Each Class Tailored:
- Personal / Professional / Career Grow & Development
- Inspiring & Motivating Teaching
Things which you can walk away from, you have mastered it.
If you can’t walk away from it, it has mastered you!
“Let us help you master your life!”

Your Faithful Contribution Enables us to take the message of emotional health and wellness around the globe through:
Empowering Educating Encouraging Ministering Advocating
All women –All children –All people
- Grief is Unpredictable!
- Grief = Emotional PAIN
- A deep sorrow; loss of a love one’s death, or loss of an inanimate object, thing or an event
- A loss of any kind; relationship, status, job, pet, house, income, items and most recently COVID-19!
- You don’t “get over” grieving. With time as the healer, you work through it.
Join this on-line support group and start learning the coping skills to work through your grief.
Check the calendar for the dates and times
*These classes can be reserved and tailored for special group sessions
#letstalkaboutit #heartbreak #grief #illness #lossofincome #todayschallenges #bereavement #lossofhappiness #sadness #loneliness #challengingtimes #COVID19
“At some point in our lives, we all will end up here”

Complicated Grief - our Online Zoom Support Group