Dr. Leah Riddick Cunningham

We Are Woman!

One definition in the Webster’s dictionary defines woman in the simplest form as— ‘the female human being.” The biblical description is —–‘that God created a woman.’ Where am I going with this, some of you would like to know…. I want us to understand that with all that we do, may ever become, may ever experience, participate in, get the pleasure of wearing the many hats of titles we hold and the several opportunities for certain accomplishments we may get——we are and will always be, first and foremost a Woman!

Why is that important—-because there are those that will always want us to seemingly be able to do more than sometimes, we can physically or mentally do! It is necessary that others be reminded that though we may be great in so many areas of our lives, we still want to be recognized as the most finest & delicate of fabric of today’s popular garments, still be seen as the pearls and diamonds of the most preferred jewels of the land, and still be revered by society as the ‘endangered species’ of the human species.

Meaning we still want to be protected, cared for, appreciated, loved, respected, preferred, secured and prayed for.

Meaning we want help, though we are not helpless, we want some to realize at times we are emotional, but we are not irrational (there is a difference), we want to be understood from the heart, even if mentally some things some may never understand, because…….

My sisters, when it’s all said and done there are those that need to recognize that above all that we have the capability to do, perform, acquire and become—those things will always be “what we do” But the greatest part of us—is who we were ‘CREATED’ to be and that is a ‘WOMAN”

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